is this man always smiling?
Eddie enjoys the challenge of a road race and always looks forward to the possibility of making a few new friends. In the summer months, Eddie starts his day at 6:30 a.m. with a run. Upon returning, he then hops on his bike for a 10 mile ride. At about 11a.m. you can find Eddie at Tim Horton's chatting up a storm and getting the news of the day. He then goes home for his mid-day nap. Eddie needs a little time to recharge his batteries as he usually goes to the beach for a swim. He later finishes off his day with a game of ball with a few of his friends from the neighborhood. Eddie does this routine approximately 3 times per week. In the winter, he still does his running and believe it or not he hasn't missed a polar bear swim in 27 years! At least once a month he takes a dip in the frigid waters of Polar Bear Beach. During the winter months he always finds time for cross-country skiing and skating as well. This is quite the achievement for the even most dedicated and seasoned athlete. What makes it all that more impressive is Eddie will be a HEALTHY AND HAPPY 71 YEARS OLD on the 25th of this month (March). Happy birthday ED and thanks for all you contribute to our sport!!!